sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011


 I've bought "Stuck" by Oliver Jeffers!

Hilarious! I read it to my pupils last week and they couldn't stop laughing. They were making coments about  Floyd all the time. 'He is nuts, he is nuts' was saying one of my little ones.

We could make a vocabulary picture book (topics):
  • Toys: kite, bicycle, and we could add pictures of other toys
  • Clothes: shoes and we could add pictures of other clothes
  • Animals: cat, duck, orangutan, rhinoceros, whale, etc.
  • House: door, kitchen sink, chair, ladder, light house, etc.
  • People who help us: firefighters(firemen, firewomen), milkman, etc.
  • Transports: fire engine, boat, lorry, etc.
I  use flashcards (bits method),topics, to introduce and consolidate vocabulary. Image and word.

           TIME TO READ  "STUCK"!

Thank you to "Los Portadores de Sueños"!
Gracias a la librería "Los Portadores de Sueños" por conseguirme el libro tan pronto.