domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011


                                                                           Laura Gómez Bono (English teacher)

                                               TOPIC: ORANGES
  • Literacy
Children wrote poems on to photocopied sheets showing a cross-section of an orange. Each line of the poem was written in the segments.  

Little ones.  Instead of writing a poem, they wrote words. For example: tastes, verbs (What can we do with oranges? Eat, drink, juggle...). Or  simple sentences or facts ( 'I like oranges', 'I don't like...', 'I like orange juice','Oranges have got vitamin C.'...).

  • Maths
Circles and segments.
  • Art
Each child cut out two circle cards and they coloured the outside to look like oranges. Then he/she stuck his/her poem. With the oranges we made an orange tree display.

  • Science
. We were talking about fruit and healthy food.


. 'Where do oranges come from?'

. The five senses. The sense of taste.

  • Music

*The idea of the orange tree is from "Hands on Display" by Rhona Whiteford and Jim Fitzsimmons.


miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

¿Te gustaría compartir algún libro y sus posibles actividades? Would you like to share a good picture book with us?

Este blog nació con la idea de ayudarnos, de compartir. Se necesita mucho tiempo para preparar actividades a través de los cuentos y a menudo ese tiempo suele ser limitado. Algunos amigos me han comentado que les gustaría compartir en este blog ese libro que a ellos siempre les funciona o algún artículo sobre enseñanza. Si te apetece compartir en este blog tus ideas, ese cuento o libro que le encanta a tus  alumnos (o quizás a tus hijos) mandame un pequeño artículo (tipo post)  con tu nombre y apellidos (o si prefieres un seudónimo) a:

* Me han comentado una idea que me ha parecido genial, a ver qué os parece. Si realizáis alguna de  las actividades o leéis alguno de los libros del blog podéis mandar una foto y un pequeño comentario. Serán bienvenidos.

The main idea of this blog is to be useful. Sometimes, we haven't got enough time to create new resources. If you know a good book or story and some activities related to it  and you would like to share them with us, please,  send me an email with your ideas,  name and surname to: 

Your ideas are more than welcome!

martes, 16 de agosto de 2011


Tony Ross is a very popular children's books  illustrator. He is the writer and illustrator of the series of books  "The Little Princess".

                                          THE LITTLE PRINCESS

It is a lovely  book about  toilet training.  'Little accidents' may happen sometimes, even to princesses. Very funny!

Sometimes the Little Princess needs to improve  her manners. Too many 'I wants'...Where are 'the magic words'? "Please" and "thank you" are important words for everyone; for  royalty too.

"'I wants' doesn't 'gets'."

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011


Jez Alborough is an author and illustrator of children’s picture books born in Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey (Great Britain).

                                  Jez Alborough, creating a book 

These are some of his books:

Where is my Teddy?

I like to use this book to work sizes and adjectives:



I made my own story props (visual aids):

Eddy, the little teddy, the little bed
The gigantic bear, the gigantic teddy bear, the big bed

'Visual aids can help to get the grips with the meaning of a story. If we use them at first reading, they  could help pupils to know the characters and the main features.'  Patience

I had used this book to make posters (similar to "wanted posters"). I divided the classroom into two groups. One group was pretending to be the little boy and made a poster asking for help to find his teddy bear. The other group was the big bear looking for his big teddy bear.



Very useful to improve vocabulary about clothes having fun.

*I studied in this beautiful building,
Froebel, Roehampton University (Surrey)

I lived and worked in Surrey for few years …nice memories.