domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011


                                                                           Laura Gómez Bono (English teacher)

                                               TOPIC: ORANGES
  • Literacy
Children wrote poems on to photocopied sheets showing a cross-section of an orange. Each line of the poem was written in the segments.  

Little ones.  Instead of writing a poem, they wrote words. For example: tastes, verbs (What can we do with oranges? Eat, drink, juggle...). Or  simple sentences or facts ( 'I like oranges', 'I don't like...', 'I like orange juice','Oranges have got vitamin C.'...).

  • Maths
Circles and segments.
  • Art
Each child cut out two circle cards and they coloured the outside to look like oranges. Then he/she stuck his/her poem. With the oranges we made an orange tree display.

  • Science
. We were talking about fruit and healthy food.


. 'Where do oranges come from?'

. The five senses. The sense of taste.

  • Music

*The idea of the orange tree is from "Hands on Display" by Rhona Whiteford and Jim Fitzsimmons.


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